COMP7503A - Multimedia technologies

Semester 1, 2022-23

Bill T. Luo
Teaching assistants
Yichao Fu
Junming Wang
Syllabus This course presents fundamental concepts and emerging technologies for multimedia computing.  Students are expected to learn how to develop various kinds of media communication, presentation, and manipulation techniques.  At the end of course, students should acquire proper skill set to utilize, integrate and synchronize different information and data from media sources for building specific multimedia applications.  Topics include media data acquisition methods and techniques; nature of perceptually encoded information; processing and manipulation of media data; multimedia content organization and analysis; trending technologies for future multimedia computing.
Introduction by Professor

Computing devices interacts with human based on three (out of five) primary senses: Sight, Hearing and Touch.  Multimedia computing deals with multiple media data in relation to these senses to process and convey information to and from human.  The challenge for multimedia computing systems is to integrate the different media information streams into a coherent view.  The use of multimedia data in computing has grown even more rapid than imagined due to the boom in Internet of Things (IoT), as well as the abundantly available camera-equipped cell phones with the ability to share multimedia contents in social networks.  In this course, we present multimedia as a fundamental and unique discipline that takes advantage of all media available to solve problems.  Graduate students can learn from this course the fundamentals of multimedia computing, and get hold of emerging technologies to prepare themselves to embrace the future development of multimedia computing.

Learning Outcomes
Course Learning Outcomes Relevant Programme Learning Outcome
CLO1. Able to master the key technologies about multimedia systems PLO. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16
CLO2. Able to design, evaluate and implement a multimedia application based on latest multimedia technologies PLO. 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
View Programme Learning Outcomes
Pre-requisites Nil
Compatibility Nil
Topics covered
Course Content No. of Hours Course Learning Outcomes
1. Introduction of Multimedia Computing 2 CLO1, CLO2
2. Sensor Technologies 3 CLO1
3. Perception, Recording and Reproduction of Sounds, Images, and Videos 4 CLO1, CLO2
4. Representation of Multimedia Document 4 CLO1, CLO2
5. Multimedia Authoring Environment 3 CLO1
6. Multimedia Synchronization in Spatial and Temporal Domain 3 CLO1, CLO2
7. Multimedia Delivery, Quality of Services, Quality of Experience 4 CLO2
8. Multimedia Information Retrieval and Content Analysis 4 CLO1, CLO2
9. Future Topics in Multimedia 3 CLO1
Description Type Weighting * Examination Period ^ Course Learning Outcomes
Written Assignment Continuous Assessment 10% - CLO1
Programming Assignment Continuous Assessment 20% - CLO2
Mid-Term Continuous Assessment 20% - CLO1
Written exam covering all course contents Written Examination 50% 8 - 23 December 2022 CLO1, CLO2
* The weighting of coursework and examination marks is subject to approval
^ The exact examination date uses to be released when all enrolments are confirmed after add/drop period by the Examinations Office.  Students are obliged to follow the examination schedule.  Students should NOT enrol in the course if they are not certain that they will be in Hong Kong during the examination period.  Absent from examination may result in failure in the course. There is no supplementary examination for all MSc curriculums in the Faculty of Engineering.
Course materials

Prescribed textbook:

  • Multimedia Computing, by Gerald Friedland & Ramesh Jain, Cambridge University Press
Session dates
Date Time Venue Remark
Session 1 1 Sep 2022 (Thu) 7:00pm - 10:00pm CYP-P4 Face-to-face
Session 2 8 Sep 2022 (Thu) 7:00pm - 10:00pm CYP-P4 Face-to-face
Session 3 15 Sep 2022 (Thu) 7:00pm - 10:00pm CYP-P4 Face-to-face
Session 4 22 Sep 2022 (Thu) 7:00pm - 10:00pm CYP-P4 Face-to-face
Session 5 29 Sep 2022 (Thu) 7:00pm - 10:00pm CYP-P4 Face-to-face
Session 6 6 Oct 2022 (Thu) 7:00pm - 10:00pm CYP-P4 Face-to-face
Session 7 20 Oct 2022 (Thu) 7:00pm - 10:00pm CYP-P4 Face-to-face
Session 8 27 Oct 2022 (Thu) 7:00pm - 10:00pm CYP-P4 Face-to-face
Session 9 3 Nov 2022 (Thu) 7:00pm - 10:00pm CYP-P4 Face-to-face
Session 10 10 Nov 2022 (Thu) 7:00pm - 10:00pm CYP-P4 Face-to-face
CYP - Chong Yuet Ming Building
Add/drop 1 September, 2022 - 15 September, 2022
Maximum class size 150